Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I am new to the site and need some info so i will be able to join local groups.
what do i need to bring? and if ne one lives in Mill Valley and wiling to drive other people for gas money.
help me out please
i have been looking for groups like this for many years

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...woot! Here we are, coming at your rescue!!!

Alright, as it seems a little bit of an emergency, we will immediately supply all the necessary tools:
- beginners guide: I understand you have been doing this already for a while, but it's better to get a new, clean record about how we (BApk) believe this should be approached, right of the bat.
- equipment: solid sneakers, and water... comfy clothes you don't care sweating in, and wear them out a bit.
All the rest is voluntary;
Ha! Wait, I forgot: "humbleness" helps a bunch...
- Marin County: best structured resource is revolving around the Corte Madera gym, even if "parkour is not done in the gym", check them out even just to find out who trains there, and if they (hopefully!) train outside too...
- Catch a bus or hit up Marin County members (KingTheKing, Alex, Faye... from the top of my head) for rides and get to the Sunday basic trainings; they are perfect for beginners.
- Danger: parkour is as dangerous as you make it... don't, please.

Hope to see you outdoor soon!
this is what i needed
is there any cost for this sunday training?
Nope. Parkur is free!!! (At least for now...)
And we will keep it that way!
really??? i was thinking of charging $10 per session... oh well i guess its free now...
I'm charging extra for bike parking ;)
I want some blood and bruises.

Or a kidney.
If you don't mind driving north a bit, a few of us train regularly in Santa Rosa.

Otherwise, everyone's advice here has ya covered!
Oh, but don't give Ryan your kidney, he will only sell it to rich foreigners.

where you all train in santa rosa?
Mostly at Santa Rosa High every Sunday at Noon. We also have a Tuesday 5PM jam that rotates locations. Call me at 707 623 2812 if you want to set something up!
Yeah I keep all my illegal organs on ice right underneath all the blue jeans...

Damn economy.


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