Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I noticed that we are all basically one big happy PK family...However, i also noticed that we only congratulate our fellow peers when we are in front of them in a session... i wanted to start a thread were we congratulate people for overcoming obstacles that were difficult for them, thus making each other stronger mentally and also making each other closer as friends... whether the obstacle may be a vault that was never done before or someones fear of heights not only torecognize peoples progression over time, but to record it or to have a written calender to show how we progress, and to see if anyone has a question on how to do a certain movement...

I, for one, will begin this thread and add to it every time i see someones progression... today I saw Jason "technique" progress to doing a palm spin, and learning how to progress himself into a more efficient kong... congrates Jason and keep going...

I know PK is not being viewed very well in the publics eye, but when they notice how friendly we are and how warming we can all be they will soon see the light and follow our paths to making oursleves and each other stronger... is anyone with me???

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...unless she's cute.
Freaking itallians!!! LOL bt I'm with u there!!! LOL or she could be hot... I mean aren't tennis girls supposed to be hot??? I've known a couple of hot tennis girls... LOL
I just pictured you giggling the entire time while writing that comment....
there are some exceptionally attractive female tennis players. How'd you know my coach was Italian? she's okay lol, also my english teacher haha.
There are attractive women in every career. Now let's stop this conversation before we completely alienate the girls on the site (and, frankly, it's starting to get disturbing).
...yeah, if anything lets' start a separate group "PK womanizing pigs" or something...
(I'm JOKING!!! Such a group would be removed! Lol!)
wow im just on a roll this week! Lazy vault off a 9 foot drop into a roll (landing was play structure foam but still, took some nerve for me!) Then i also did a speed vault into a cat leap but with a much bigger distance and a good sized drop. opposite side turn vault and bear vault... I'm so sore its ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I've progressed all i can for at least a week or two. lol
Very nice, you conditioning along with it to avoid injury?
People nominate you into THIS thread. Oherwise blog it. Yeah I'm gonna be a dick like that sorry.

But shit dude I barely recognized you the other day. All the training has got you ripped
oh woops. my bad i didnt know i had to be nominated lol.
...too many to mention all over this long WE.

- Ina and Julien working hard on their rail precisions, and delivering (careful guys!),
- and young Youssif keeping at it, and demonstrating kitty-cat balance on those Lone Mountain trees!

Me happy...
Good progression at Ryan's gym class last night:

Marissa did an few awesome walking kongs & double kongs last week . . . and this week made it over a lot of the high advanced-obstacles super fast like a pro!

Niko did this super cool corkscrew-flip-type-thing that looked like he was first flipping through the air and then transforming into a spinning corkscrew - looked like something out of an action movie with special effects! That or a move that you could only ever create in a video game. I could watch that all night!

Jodie did an impressive muscle-up on the high bar that looked super-hard, but absolutely amazing . . . then she did the spin-up which I emailed her a video of earlier this week saying that I wanted to learn it. She figured it out in like 2 seconds.

Ina did a backflip (very very cool!)

Everyone else made a lot of progress as well!
Nice work everyone! I love watching all of you do cool stuff every week. Very inspiring! You guys are awesome!


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