Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I have been made aware of this post from the admin of the other local pk site:

"We have heard from some people that they haven't been improving although they've been going to the BAPK sessions for 6+ months now, so we are trying to figure out a way to provide a more structured, progressive solution. not to mention its something we've been talking about here for quite a while. These beginners classes are the first step, so trying to figure out how we can expand.
i dunno, just thinkin out loud here.

This is a disgusting thing to say....and it is rather telling. First of all, the number of people training regularly with BAPK for the past six months is very small. It consists of the core members of the community, and I cannot fathom any of them saying something like this to Corndogg...most of them have never even met Corndogg. So, are the core members of BAPK running off to Corndogg to tell him how they are not progressing?....I highly doubt it. The people of this community know that it is completely open. They know that if they have a suggestion about the session, they can talk about it in public.

This is just more anti-BAPK propaganda from SFPK. Pathetic. Perhaps part of the SFPK clan encompassed in Cordogg's "we" obtained this information about our supposed non-progressing members somehow. I urge these "double agents" to come forward and speak up.

If you are the one passing this information along, then speak to us first! If you see a problem with our sessions, why not tell us? We are very open to suggestions. This community is for the people. Why run to someone else and talk about us?

I'd love to have a public discussion about this, if these people are willing to reveal themselves. I fail to see how someone could not be progressing with us though. We offer three sessions a week. 1 completely focused on conditioning, 1 focused on conditioning and technique, and 1 focused on conditioning, technique, and jamming.

Views: 188

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i agree with you.
my view-

shutting up wont help....

I respect Albert's view..he wrote some nice stuff. yeah. he actually has the right to free speech or whatever.
the question is another-why didnt he contact the bapk admins... (im sure he didnt) and why did corn use this a leverage.

I also understand Chris-
If you were doing something this good....benevolent..i dunno. something just this immensely good.

If you were just taking your time. EVERY freakin weekend to train a bunch of people.... i would listen to your comments.

all the "shut up people and move on" really didnt pay any respect to this discussion. and that left me kinda sad.
You guys have NO idea what it would be like to train people for 1+ year... and them someone are crap!

your trainings are crap!

your brains are crap!

your whole site is crap!

you are crap!

no one has learned anything from you....

thats what corn said..... greatly simplified of course.

at first i thought that the person who "ratted"

was a dick- yeah.... take advantage of these sessions and say some bullshit about them.

it was another story- Albert just expressed himself..because he thought that people were lacking skill....
when i started... i also progressed slowly within the first weeks. Albert - you didnt go to much of those order to whiteness progression- its like witnessing evolution.... you have to LOOK. i LOOKED
and i saw some wonderful things. i saw myself stronger. i saw my roll. i saw my frontflip. i saw my rail precision..... and everybody else- anything from pop-vaults to larger jumps.... Niko and Jason with the bid catleap at washington!!! i was part of that bunch...o how happy i was that i made it....

corn doesnt like bapk- why? because all of the new members register on this site... due to some stuff that was set up.

so- he turned Albert's words upside down- added about 1/2 of that stuff... made some lies and thought that it would help....
i might contact Corn....

we do progress... and we are good at that- we dont show off, we train matter what anyone else thinks...

thats my 2 cents
This is another piece of "propaganda" and "hype" that I was talking about earlier.
You cannot fight a fire with a flamethrower. Showing more disrespect to SFPK will only make things worse.

The more they disrespect you, the more you should respect them.
ahahaaa... yeah fight WW2 with peace. you are kinda brainwashed with pacifism.

this is my view. not "propaganda"- search that word in a dictionary

"If you want peace, get ready for war"-

Julius Caesar, Stalin.
How about we say "him" from now on instead of "they." It is not fair to hold all of the members of SFPK, including me, accountable for something that Corndogg said.

I've gotta say it: It's a silly conflict. There is an easy way to resolve it, but I think that all of the parties involved are too angry to want to resolve it!!!

I'm seriously tired of all the propaganda on this website, among many others. I'm considering giving up all pk forums for lent!!!
...excuse me?
Which "propaganda"?
Which website?
Teens love melodrama, we tend to blow everything out of proportion. Don't worry about it. If we make a over generalization or exaggerate something, take it with a grain of salt.
...unfortunately, on the Internet, the generalizations, exaggerations, or ill-advised statements of "teens" sounds and look like the well-thought commentary of more "seasoned" commentators.

That's why the polemic is often never-ending on the web...

While I agree in the use of grain(s) of salt, I would recommend it using it "at the source".
Can ya dig?...
i think he just meant that he's sick of hearing bout the feud between BA and SF
haha that's actually very true.

but I'm being serious about this, and I really don't like it.
This could be propaganda. Many things on SFPK could be propaganda.

I think it exists on both websites.


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