Videos for Toronto, CA - Bay Area Parkour2025-02-18T20:04:18Z's Bullfrog shows off pkdanno's PKgym (phew!),2008-09-19:2070047:Video:167572008-09-19T20:58:19.002ZSafeNSure
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Thumbnail" height="96" src="" width="128"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>(<i>with a title like that who needs a description</i>) ...Bullfrog from <a href="">PKTO</a> put together a sampler (apparently a rare occurrence for him), which also shows the pretty-much complete Toronto Parkour facility.<br></br>
Maybe some people are interested in seeing the place, and this is the first vid that shows it since it's been opened.<br></br>
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="128" height="96" alt="Thumbnail" /><br />
</a><br />(<i>with a title like that who needs a description</i>) ...Bullfrog from <a href="">PKTO</a> put together a sampler (apparently a rare occurrence for him), which also shows the pretty-much complete Toronto Parkour facility.<br />
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Maybe some people are interested in seeing the place, and this is the first vid that shows it since it's been opened.<br />
[credit: <a href="">PKNA</a>]<br />
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<i>ps: somebody may like to see slow motion "thief vaults" well done and filmed at 1:10 and following...</i>