Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Lethalbeef's Comments

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At 10:17am on October 7, 2010, dan =( said…
hey my friend goes to berkley. know anyone that goes to that college? i dont mean for this to be a stupid question.
At 9:57pm on January 11, 2009, JEREMY MANERS said…
that would be alot of help what time on thursday's and where at?? ty very much
At 8:23pm on January 11, 2009, JEREMY MANERS said…
hey im kinda new to parkour, i was wondering when classes are, and if i can join?! my aim irmaners :] ty. -jeremy
At 9:01pm on November 15, 2008, Tallbear said…
its all good i noticed i got alot of homework tommorrow >.< so ill probaly just squeeze some solo training in. Ill be at the next one for sure though
At 8:49pm on November 14, 2008, Tallbear said…
michael said there was something going on in santa cruz on sunday? if there is and any room in someones car ill go, or else ill just head to the beginner jam
At 4:51pm on November 14, 2008, SafeNSure said…
np... as soon as available.

No, that one was the "alpha" version, lol!
I guess it's the only copy released.
This one coming is just a simplified "beta", to get something done, but there are a lot of "open source" versions being discussed...

I guess we will set some guidelines (motto, spelling, maybe color...) and then leave substantial free room to individual initiatives...
At 9:01pm on November 9, 2008, Tallbear said…
>.< nope i just made copies. I usually only bring my house door key and like tie it around my wrist, but i was late so i brought them all and put them in my hat. wont make that mistake again lol. Wat was the jam like today? orthodontist >.< so i couldnt go.
At 8:25pm on November 9, 2008, fluffybunny said…
Hey man. My face has been glued back together...and hopefully I'll be back up to speed in ~5 days. We'll see how bad the scar will be...check out my new facebook pic.

I just started a new discussion about emergency should take a look to see if you have any thoughts.

Thanks for being there today. I'll see you soon, man.
At 10:13pm on November 5, 2008, fluffybunny said…
I'm in. See you there, man.
At 9:45pm on November 5, 2008, Eric Stephens said…
right on, I'll try to make it up.
At 7:05pm on November 5, 2008, Tallbear said…
no practice tommorrow?
At 10:07am on October 30, 2008, Eric Stephens said…
which side of the library do you meet? North, south? just so it's easier to find you guys.
At 8:58am on October 30, 2008, Eric Stephens said…
Cool, got your number. I couldn't find you guys last time, but it was only my second time being that the UCB campus. I'll be bringing a campus map with me this time, which should make things a lot easier. See you tonight.
At 12:28am on October 29, 2008, SafeNSure said…
You can update only the date, like we do for the Acrosport class, but you loose the validity of the RSVPs.

The easiest way to duplicate it is:
- open your past event page and click edit event
- right click on "add an event" and open it in a new tab
- copy from one tab to the other html, links and info
- update the date on the new one
- still for some silly reason you have to "save image as", and then reload it
It's fairly quick...
At 12:47pm on October 24, 2008, Pyromatic said…
well anyways, my name is michael, and it is nice to virtually meet you.
At 2:13am on October 24, 2008, Pyromatic said…
I don't remember coming out today? lol. But you are welcome?
At 10:58pm on October 13, 2008, Sin said…
yeah I have been trying to get to the thurs sessions for a while now (since seng first started them) but its just been a conflict with a cycling class i usually take. maybe this thurs though since my cycling class is going through some transformations of its own. any good parking around there?
At 11:22pm on October 12, 2008, Tallbear said…
put cell # in phone so no way ill miss another Thursday, cya then
At 10:07am on October 12, 2008, Frenchie said…
yeah likewise, I should be able to show up more and more nowadays, hope to see you again soon!
At 3:22pm on October 2, 2008, Tallbear said…
sup albert, hey is there anything going on at berkeley campus today?

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