Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So, I think I will be the one to start this up. Let's try to find a time that works for everybody, and some good places to train.

Spots that I can think of:

1. Upper Noe Recreation Center
2. Kate Kennedy
3. Fairmount School (on San Jose Ave. near the Shell station)
4. Pigeon's Bernal Heights spot

Times that work for me:

1. Fridays after 4:30
2. Saturdays all day

Views: 80

Replies to This Discussion

I think Friday's we can get some of the Downtown drones to join... not always, because those working in town, but living in the East Bay, head over the bridge after jamming...

Saturday I can sometimes after 4:00pm.

Seeing the traffic of kids, I suggest to check out Douglas Park, that, being up the hill and an old playground is less hit by toddlers and sitters; if any good at all, it could be the best place to start and then rolling downhill...
Check it out again (click on image):

Ok, sure! Maybe we can rotate between the spots I mentioned and Douglas playground every other week?
...the way that has worked for the drones has been having "every Friday after work" as a permanent, tentative time, but setting it up weekly, once the Friday gets closer.
Sometimes we were more than ten, sometimes just a couple, often a small group... and anybody can bail out anytime, even last minute...

If, instead, even a small group (at least 2) commit to go for sure, and it's possible to give it a cadence (say: "every other week"), it's worth setting it up as a general event.
(I say "2", because, even committing, one can always have a last minute complication...)
Ok, so what time do we want it to be?
I'll come some Fridays.
Ok, so I will be creating this on the events page now.

For now, the rotation will be:

1. Noe Valley Rec. Center/Kate Kennedy
2. Fairmount School
3. Douglas Park
(4. Pigeon's Bernal Spot???)

The first few will be at 5:00 until it starts getting dark later.

Ok, so the next session will be at: Fairmount School at 5:00.

Let me know if you have any problems with that.

Hpefully we will be able to make any necessary changes.


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