Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

got this from SFPK, apparently a young man who tried parkour for a bit in sacromental with SACPK, somehow fell off of a 8-stories building, exact circumstances are unknown, but investigators blame parkour and "reckless behavior.

here is the link to the full report, even a video:

this is disturbing stuff, very real, too real in fact.

Views: 3393

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you everybody, for your valuable contributions.

It seems that the conversation is moving in the direction suggested above of "gathering all the existing and new valid suggestions to prevent 'reckless' behaviors in general."

In fact a new thread has been started called "Keeping Traceurs and Parkour as safe as possible".
We encourage to post, or repeat, some of your suggestion there, or even better, bringing them to the regional attention on PKCali (follow the link on the thread).

In order not to keeping on unnecessarily relating "death" with "parkour", and also to allow more lighthearted comments elsewhere, that way not offending anybody's feelings, this thread will now be closed.

If you have a reason for wanting it reopened, please contact the admin profile (BApk) on its wall, or per pm.


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